photo credit- axiepics

After spending the last six months actively reading blogs and beginning to advocate for other teachers at my school to begin to try to incorporate them into their classes, it's really high time for me to begin blogging myself. I'm feeling a bit intimidated since I really enjoy reading about what others are doing in their classrooms and their schools, but don't know what I could possibly add to the conversation.

As I struggle to prep for 7 classes (13 sections, 7 different grades and 2 different subjects), chair my department, help other teachers begin to integrate technology, teach an online course in tech integration for faculty, maintain our moodle site, serve on 2 faculty committees, chair one of them and do some basic help desk work for our school, I get asked by my friends, "Do you ever sleep?". And to be truthful, since I was pushed into this job almost 5 years ago now..kicking and screaming, the answer is "No, not much." I don't have any computer or technology background and it is a constant struggle for me to learn as I go. The more I learn, it seems the less I know. Why can't technology be a bit more static? Is there any other subject taught in school that changes this fast?

O.K. enough whining about how overworked, overwhelmed I am. This blog will become, I hope, both my attempt at reflecting on what I do in the classroom and a way for me to track where I've been and ponder a bit about where this new adventure is taking me. If anyone else can benefit from my musings along the way that would be a bonus.

Views: 50

Tags: beginnings, blogs, newtools, teaching, web2.0

Comment by Or-Tal Kiriati on March 22, 2008 at 11:54am
Hey! just started my own blog not so long ago... wishing you luck. I will follow you...


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