David Wees's Blog (7)

Need help with a student project

Hi all,

I need help with a student project. I have a student who wants to look at the relationship between how fast someone is going, and the time it takes them to stop on a long board (a type of skateboard).

It's pretty easy for you, just share the following link with your students:…


Added by David Wees on November 26, 2010 at 10:27am — No Comments

Let's Tell Our Stories

Hi all,

As most of you no doubt know, there are a couple of documentaries which are either out or going to be out soon which probably don't make teachers look like they are doing a very good job. I'm thinking specifically of "Waiting for Superman" and "Race to Nowhere."

We have a new project that we started today where we would like to share our story. Our objective is to let all stake-holders have an opportunity to present a 1 to 2 minute clip…

Added by David Wees on October 12, 2010 at 10:45pm — No Comments

Unscientific survey on paper use in schools

Hi all,

Trying to gather some information on paper use in schools. Just looking for the answer to a couple of quick questions.

1. Approximately how much paper (in your teaching) do you use in a day?
2. How many teachers are at your school?

Please respond here:


Added by David Wees on November 17, 2009 at 9:44pm — No Comments

Free online training in Geogebra

Geogebra is a free and open source geometry program, similar in function to Geometer's sketchpad. It also allows for exporting your work to a web friendly format.

This coming Wednesday March 25th, either between 7am to 10am or 1pm to 5pm I plan on running an online workshop on how to use Geogebra. This will have to be limited to the first 20 participants as I am using the free online and screen-sharing website, http://dimdim.com (which has a limit of… Continue

Added by David Wees on March 19, 2009 at 4:24pm — 18 Comments

Using student created video word problems as assessment

I'm currently enrolled in my Masters in Educational Technology at the University of British Columbia, and it's a wonderful program, I highly recommend it. One of the things we are currently looking into is something called the Jasper series, which is essentially a series of videos intended to bring real applications of mathematics into the classroom.

The series has a set up a problem in the real world (like rescuing an injured Eagle, etc...) and students are given a bunch of… Continue

Added by David Wees on February 25, 2009 at 5:30am — No Comments

How much training in technology do you receive at your school?

Hi everyone,

I'm working on my Masters degree in Educational Technology and am in the middle of writing a paper. I'm trying to justify the conclusion in my paper that training in the use of technology has an effect on student achievement.

As part of this process, I'm conducting a very simple survey. How much training in technology do you receive at your school?

Check out my survey and please take a minute or so to answer it.… Continue

Added by David Wees on February 14, 2009 at 10:00pm — 1 Comment

Resource sharing between educators using Pedagogle.com

About a month and a half ago I did a presentation for my fellow teachers on "Application of the Open Source model to Education". The presentation itself was a bit long-winded and focused too much on the theory behind the application, rather than some practical examples. My presentation skills aside, the idea itself has merit.

We have a number of problems in education, not the least of which is the lack of an institutionalized memory that anyone can access. It would be nice if we had… Continue

Added by David Wees on December 5, 2008 at 9:00pm — No Comments


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