Jasonrichmond's Blog (6)

Tutoring: A relief for parents

Not all people in USA earn fat salary cheques, there are many people in USA who fall in lower middle class. They also have duties and commitments towards their children education. The point is they have limitations in terms of money to be spend on children education, keeping their budget tight they have to manage everything. It is comfortable if their child is scoring good grades in school but the problem arises if their child is scoring poor grades and he/she needs tutoring. We, all know the… Continue

Added by Jasonrichmond on April 30, 2008 at 1:48am — No Comments

The ever going demand of Tutoring

Looking at the current educational trend there is a strong demand for tutors in the United States and UK, propelled in part by highly ambitious students aiming for admission into high profile courses and competitive colleges and by others who qualify for publicly funded tutoring because of No Child Left Behind. Some online, offshore companies already provide NCLB tutoring; others say they will apply to states soon.

The big question that arises here is can students learn this way? To me… Continue

Added by Jasonrichmond on March 18, 2008 at 10:42am — 1 Comment

Technology and Education

Looking at the rapid advancement of technology the world is changing very fast and with it changing the people’s living style and habits. Everything is driven with the help of technology and it has become really difficult for someone to remember even a single item that doesn’t use technology. Learning has also lent itself in to the hands of technology and has taken a new name as E-Learning.

E-Learning or online education as said by many is the flavour among the students now worldwide. The… Continue

Added by Jasonrichmond on March 3, 2008 at 12:28am — 1 Comment

E- Learning

There is a sudden surge in the demand of online tutoring in countries like USA and UK.

Online tutoring has gained unexpected popularity and the primary reason is the ever increasing usage of computers and Internet worldwide. Online tutoring works much the same way as the traditional one-on-one physical tutoring does.

With increased connection and data transfer speed students and tutors can now engage online at the same time as in a physical classroom. Using some advanced technology,… Continue

Added by Jasonrichmond on February 14, 2008 at 5:00am — No Comments

Online Tutoring Using Advance Technologies

“Learning is a continuous process” it’s an universal truth that we all know, what we don’t know is that Learning has come a long way since the first schools began to the introduction of text- books and classrooms. Now, learning has taken a new dimension, it is gradually shifting its base from physical classrooms to virtual classrooms. Learning is now taking place in virtual environment i.e. on Internet with the help of various tools like web 2.0, collaborative technologies etc. All this has… Continue

Added by Jasonrichmond on February 8, 2008 at 10:30pm — No Comments

Online Tutoring

Online tutoring is more beneficial than physical classroom teaching as it is more focused on an individual's requirements with less or no interruption at all. Personalized lesson plans have made online tutoring even more helpful for the students because every individual has his own learning style and pace. Plus, it saves from the hassle of traveling or arranging for a private tutor thereby saving a lot of time and money. All you need is a high speed internet and a headset and you are all set… Continue

Added by Jasonrichmond on February 8, 2008 at 4:30am — 2 Comments


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