Saumil Shrivastava's Blog (22)

How to prepare for IIT GATE 2011

IIT GATE 2011 application forms are available September 2010 onwards. These GATE application forms are available till the third week of October. IIT GATE 2010 is one of the many competitive…


Added by Saumil Shrivastava on September 15, 2010 at 2:30am — No Comments

TOEFL 2010 Tips to Get Good TOEFL Score

Many students in India are planning or have already registered for TOEFL 2010. All those appearing for ETS TOEFL 2010, need to plan out their preparation for TOEFL Test in order to get good…


Added by Saumil Shrivastava on September 4, 2010 at 3:50am — No Comments

JMET 2011 Exam in India - Is it worth for MBA?

The season for MBA exams is on... lakhs of students with an aspiration to make it to top mba colleges in India are having sleepless night. Many are confused about the weightage of JMET 2011 , is it really worth for doing a full time MBA?

Well, the answer is certain Yes. IIT is a big brand not just for engineering but for a… Continue

Added by Saumil Shrivastava on August 21, 2010 at 5:11am — No Comments

CAT 2010 Exam in India - Practice CAT Sample Papers to Get High CAT Score

CAT 2010 exam in India will be held from October 2010 to November 2010. Like previous year this year also CAT will be online Lakhs of mba aspirants will strive to get admission in top mba colleges in India such as IIMA, IIMB, IIMC, IIML, IIMK. But it is a harsh… Continue

Added by Saumil Shrivastava on July 28, 2010 at 4:18am — No Comments

Amity University - Amity School and College in Gurgaon, Noida - Relief to Students in India

Amity University - Amity School and college in Gurgaon, Noida, Jaipur brings a relief to all the students in India aspiring to go for engineering & medical college and take their career to the next level.

Gone are the days when getting admission in to engineering colleges, medical colleges used to be a hard nut to crack. Gone are the days when there used to be one engineer in a town and it used to be the thing of honour to be an engineer. Doctors still few…


Added by Saumil Shrivastava on July 20, 2010 at 5:30am — No Comments

Top US Universities - Undoubtedly the 1st Option of Students in India

Top US Universities - Undoubtedly the 1st option of students in India whether at graduate level or at an undergraduate level. At a graduate level when it comes to choosing for a MBA college/Business schools, top USA universities such as Standford, MIT are among the most preferred ones. Havard business school has been the most sought after by the mba aspirants.

Those planning to go for masters or Phd prefer… Continue

Added by Saumil Shrivastava on July 13, 2010 at 1:12am — No Comments

Why Consult Study Abroad Consultants for Study Abroad Programs & Study Abroad Scholarships?

In India the number of study abroad consultants have grown many folds. This is primarily because there is demand at both sides of the coin. Not only larger number of students are interested to study abroad but also colleges and universities across the world taking more and more interest in inviting students from India. But is it… Continue

Added by Saumil Shrivastava on June 16, 2010 at 1:00am — No Comments

Yet Again Internet Scores - Online College Admissions in India

In India if we look back a few years from now and you will find the most dreaded exercise for every school pass out was to apply for colleges and stand in long queues all day till evening on a hot summer day. Such a popular and unavoidable exercise this was that news channels had begun to actually have

entire series for how to apply for colleges and what to do when you go to

college to get application forms. So every summer after the class 12 board…


Added by Saumil Shrivastava on June 15, 2010 at 11:59pm — No Comments

What next after IIT 2010 Results - Counselling, Rank

IIT 2010 result will be declared on 26th May 2010. The timing may coincide with the cbse result 2010 date for class 12th cbse board exam. Many students keep asking me what should be there strategy post iit jee results are declared. The queries are asked by students range from who got good iit rank in iit jee results to those who couldn't make it to IIT.

Those who got top rank in… Continue

Added by Saumil Shrivastava on May 13, 2010 at 6:00am — No Comments

Quickest tips to clear AIEEE cutoff in AIEEE Question Paper 2010

Cracking the AIEEE 2010 and getting the best of AIEEE results is a task many students try to master every year. Every year a new batch comes in with a fresh set of notions about AIEEE. However, the crux of the AIEEE exams as the AIEEE 2010 is approaching remains the same – get your concepts clear. AIEEE 2010 as can be said from past years’ experience is not a conceptually tough paper but definitely is a bit tricky looking for a little presence…


Added by Saumil Shrivastava on April 15, 2010 at 6:30am — No Comments

Hurrying towards the AIEEE solutions…

With only one month to go for the AIEEE 2010 exams students are fretting, burning the midnight oil night after night. It won’t be long before the D day comes and it will be time for students to perform, using everything that they have learnt through the months of preparing for the AIEEE 2010.

Just a day of relief and fidgety students will spring back into action the next day of the AIEEE exams searching for AIEEE solutions &…


Added by Saumil Shrivastava on March 25, 2010 at 11:30pm — No Comments

Symbiosis Pune Distance Learning MBA is the Savior in disguise!

The competition faced by MBA aspirants every year from their counterparts is not an easy hurdle to cross. It might easily happen that an individual not lacking in potential may be unable to find a place in any of the reputed MBA Colleges in India. Many think this juncture to be an end of all possibilities. However, that is not the case with MBA courses available to students in modes namely, symbiosis distance learning MBA and…


Added by Saumil Shrivastava on March 25, 2010 at 12:00am — No Comments

Few Tips to Crack MAY MAT 2010 Exam for MBA Admissions

Every year thousands of students sit for the MAY MAT exam and thousands give their heart and soul to the preparations they do for these MBA entrance exams. It is quite disheartening then to see that some students are unable to achieve expected MAT Results. Is it that some students work more than others for the MAT exam or is it just good luck? The answer lies in the fact that just… Continue

Added by Saumil Shrivastava on March 12, 2010 at 5:00am — No Comments

Other Options than MBA Colleges in India

One experiences a lot of things in life but in a nutshell we can all categorize our memories in school life, college life and the various jobs. Whatever be the case some of the most cherished memories of anyone’s life remain the college days. The times that form a naïve student into a personality, the times that forces one to react, decide and choose for…


Added by Saumil Shrivastava on March 5, 2010 at 2:30am — No Comments

Increasing importance of CBSE Sample Papers for CBSE Board Exams 2010

A few months ago when the HRD minister Kapil Sibal mentioned that only IIT JEE should not be responsible for entrance into the IITs, the premier institute of India, it was a time to rejoice for a lot of people. Every year lakhs of students sit for the cbse class 12 examination. Studying day in and day solving …


Added by Saumil Shrivastava on February 8, 2010 at 12:30am — No Comments

Beat the Heat – Online Admissions to Engineering & Medical Colleges in India

Online College Admissions in India is Next Buzz Word

As we approach the month of March the anxiety levels will shoot higher not just for the students but for the parents as well. The 12th CBSE board exams in India kick off in March and soon after the competitive exams will takeover.…


Added by Saumil Shrivastava on February 7, 2010 at 10:00pm — No Comments

Practice AIEEE 2010 Sample Papers to Get High AIEEE Score

In past one month many class 12th grade students in India have been asking for tips to crack AIEEE 2010 with good score as they know they won't be able to make it to IIT and their only hope is AIEEE 2010 to get admission in to top engineering colleges of India. In this article I have tried to highlight some of the basic but important points regarding aieee preparation.

1> Practice lot of aieee 2010 sample… Continue

Added by Saumil Shrivastava on January 8, 2010 at 2:30am — No Comments

Cat Online 2009 Preparation: Practice Cat Online Tests, Cat DI & CAT Quant Section

CAT 2009: “Cat goes online in 2009” has been the buzz word. Its just 4 months now to Online cat exam. Everyone is making their plan for Cat 2009 online preparation. The main focus for online cat exams is on IIM cat 2008 cut off, and Cat Online tests. So how to prepare for cat 2009 in remaining four months:

1> First you should know which MBA college you are targeting. Is it out of IIM Ahemdabad, IIM Calcutta,… Continue

Added by Saumil Shrivastava on July 8, 2009 at 1:55am — No Comments

IIM CAT Goes Online in 2009 – How to Crack CAT 2009 Online?

Previously, I wrote an article on GMAT 2009 for working professionals planning to do MBA abroad specifically top MBA colleges in US. This article will be useful for college students (B.E, B.Tech, B.Com, B.A etc) in their final year and working professionals who are planning to pursue MBA from top B schools in India.

As you all must be aware that IIM CAT goes online in 2009 but it is still not clear what exactly will be the format of CAT 2009… Continue

Added by Saumil Shrivastava on June 19, 2009 at 3:00am — No Comments

Target average GMAT Score for Top USA Business Schools

This article will be useful for working professionals who are planning to pursue MBA from USA universities or USA B-schools.

Being a working professional myself, I understand that during recession many of us are planning to go for higher studies. In my circle of friends out of 10 professionals six have already applied to different b schools in USA, UK or in India and others have taken the GMAT 2009 date.

Most of us while preparing for… Continue

Added by Saumil Shrivastava on June 9, 2009 at 11:30pm — No Comments


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