All Blog Posts Tagged 'practice' (6)

Online Education Platforms

My name is Alexander Kefallonitis and I am a second year student at Cass Business School in London.

As most of us nowadays, I search for several subjects or things I don't fully understand in classrooms, in the web.

While I was doing that I came across a website called The Open Academy.

Since I have been searching for college material on the web for two years now I have visited academic earth, searched for video lectures on youtube and I can tell you that The Open…


Added by Alexander Kefallonitis on June 8, 2012 at 9:10am — No Comments

Does Practice/Homework Make Perfect?

This is my first year teaching and I am experimenting with my Advanced Microsoft Integrations class that I teach.  I am trying to determine if giving them more homework and practice work will help them master the Microsoft Office Suite.  I find myself struggling to provide a balance for the students.  When working with computers I feel that the more you can do to become familiar with the program the better off the students will be.  


I would love to have some advice from some…


Added by Kellie Jacobs on January 27, 2011 at 6:47pm — No Comments

Why is Allen Iverson on Assessment FOR Learning?

(This post was originally posted on Assessment FOR Learning.)

Members of this network may have noticed a video that seems out of place on an educational social network. The video is of a post-game interview with NBA player Allen Iverson. Why in the world is that on here?

Salem High School teachers on this Ning know the answer to that. When our school first started taking a… Continue

Added by Scott Habeeb on March 2, 2010 at 6:00am — No Comments

Practice AIEEE 2010 Sample Papers to Get High AIEEE Score

In past one month many class 12th grade students in India have been asking for tips to crack AIEEE 2010 with good score as they know they won't be able to make it to IIT and their only hope is AIEEE 2010 to get admission in to top engineering colleges of India. In this article I have tried to highlight some of the basic but important points regarding aieee preparation.

1> Practice lot of aieee 2010 sample… Continue

Added by Saumil Shrivastava on January 8, 2010 at 2:30am — No Comments

Homework and Practice

I'm currently doing some thinking and researching into the area of homework and practice. I've done some research into what is the expected amount of these things as well as the different amounts for the different age levels and abilities of students. I'm curious about the thoughts of some other teachers... what is the homework policy for the students in your classroom? How much and what kind of work do you expect your students to complete on their own? Any thoughts on this topic would be great!

Added by Andrea Krueger on September 13, 2009 at 7:48pm — No Comments

Ed Tech Company PN Develops Educational Game for Microsoft Surface

UK educational software company RM has released a demo of their game Finguistics. What makes this so interesting is that this educational game is being designed to work on the Microsoft Surface platform.

As you can see in the video, these kids are…


Added by Derek Baird on March 23, 2009 at 1:35pm — No Comments

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