I am new to technology and have learned a lot about different programs, but I have not executed what I would consider a true learning experience in the classroom. What is some advice for applying technology in education?

Any simple goals or lesson plans to share?

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One thing I learned is always have a none technology backup plan ready :) What type of techology do you want to implement?
I'm not sure how to approach integration of technology, yet. I have been inspired by an online class called, "23 Things Teachers should know about Web 2.0".

I spent the first 8 years of my teaching profession doing elementary P.E..

Now, I spend 2 hours a day at a middle school teaching "Leadership and Community" and the other 3 hours in P.E.

My plans are to use Blackboard next year!
The "23 Things program" is excellent. The key to its success depends on the level of support built into the program.

My advice for new people starting out is to start using the technology for your own learning and with time you will soon realise how you can implement with your students. For example, how I started out was I used my different web sites to document my learning and that helped me then understand what was required to use with others. The other way is to find your own interests, or hobbies, that you would like to engage with people online with and start creating some web sites to support those. This helps you practice the skills and learn more about each technology.

My PLN yourself website may help you. Please feel free to ask me any questions about it.



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