
I am interested in finding out post graduate learners perceptions of the usefulness of Web 2.0 applications to facilitate collaborative learning in the university. Web 2.0 application is a revolutionary new way for collaborative learning by creating, editing and sharing user-generated content online.

The aim of the research is to investigate which Web 2.0 tools are used generally by post graduate students of various disciplines and to assess their usefulness as well as to explore how the collaboration of knowledge can be made productive in collaborative learning.

I would be grateful if you could kindly fill out the attached questionnaire please.

Thank you.

Kind regards.

Christina Samuel

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Hi Very Nice Blog I Have Read Your Post It Is Very Informative And Useful Thanks For Posting.

They are a great tool for collaboration and communication. Using collaboration in teaching is well-being important. Explaining material to others converts theoretical knowledge into practical & conceptual which in its turn speeds up the learning activity.



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