Topic 7: In chapter 22, Miss Maudie says some things to Jem and Scout that make the reader really think.  She says “There are some men in this world who were born to do our unpleasant jobs for us.  Your father’s one of them” (Lee 288).  She also says, “We’re the safest folks in the world.  We’re so rarely called on to be Christians, but when we are, we’ve got men like Atticus to go for us” (Lee 288).  And she also says that “Atticus Finch won’t win [the trial], he can’t win, but he’s the only man in these parts who can keep a jury out so long in a case like that.  And… we’re making a step—it’s just a baby-step, but it’s a step” (Lee 289).  Analyze and examine  these ideas and what Miss Maudie really means.

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I agree that Atticus is a role model to his children and even the citizens of Maycomb. Although most of Maycomb disagreed with him on standing up for Tom Robinson he didn't seem to really care because what he truly cared about was doing the right thing. Atticus is the embodiment of integrity because he goes out of his way to achieve his goals and make things right and everyone in Maycomb knows it and respects him for it. It like Miss Maudie says in 'To Kill a Mockingbird" by Harper Lee " we're so rarely called on to be Christians, but when we are, we got men like Atticus to go for us"(Lee 215). this goes to show that the people of Maycomb depend on Atticus to do the good for them because they know he will no matter what. Atticus will go through the toughest circumstances if it means he'll get to what he wanted to achieve. 

Miss Maudies ideas were to help Jem and Scout understand that their father is a man of integrity and is willing to do whatever it takes for what is right. She reminds them that hes a good and hardworking person. To further illuminate this idea in the novel To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee, Miss Maudie who is the most open-minded citizens in Maycomb says "Atticus Finch wont win [the trial], he cant win, but hes the only man in these parts who can keep a jury out so long in a case like that. And... were making a step--its just a baby-step, but its a step." (Lee 289). This evidence talks about when it came to Tom Robinson's case even though Atticus lost the trial he still won because he was able to make the town look at things from a different perspective of race and equality. He was able to make the jury take a long time when it came to deciding whether Tom Robinson was guilty or not which shows that Atticus succeeded in causing the jury to actually examine their views of race. Usually trials that involved a black man would take minutes because whites were always chosen over the black people. But Atticus showed that he was going to do what was right, but by Atticus taking this case it will soon change how the rest of the county will choose to perceive other races. 

 In chapter 22 of To Kill a Mocking Bird by Harper Lee--a famous author--Miss Maudie expresses how specifically Atticus Finch is a man of integrity. When Miss Maudie says "there are some men in this world who were born to do our unpleasant jobs for us. Your father's one of them" she explains how Atticus Finch in her eyes is a man of integrity (Lee288). He chooses to do the right thing even when he's faced with difficulties. Just like the Tom Robinson trial when he was faced with the challenge to defend a negro in a discriminated community. These jobs performed by Atticus help express the idea of how doing the right thing can set a good label, even if that one thing meant nothing to others in the end. Also, she communicates how we the people should set out and do things even when our task doesn't involve doing them. She also accommodated this idea by saying "We're the safest folks in the world. We're so rarely called on to be Christians , but when we are, we've got men like Atticus to go for us"(Lee288). This quote explains how men, like Atticus Finch, can represent a whole community just by his integrity. A man with integrity is a man that can be used as a role model to defend others. In this case, to defend the beliefs of Christians in Maycomb. Miss Mauide also says that "Atticus Finch won’t win [the trial], he can’t win, but he’s the only man in these parts who can keep a jury out so long in a case like that. And… we’re making a step—it’s just a baby-step, but it’s a step” (Lee 289). This quote explains how Miss Maudie believes that Atticus has the power to make small changes that aren't noticeable but effective in Maycomb and towards its citizens. He has the power to prove that blacks and whites are not equal by the color of their skins. Just like how there are blacks who stand up for themselves towards whites even though they are seen as guilty verdicts of crimes they never committed. Miss Maudie also explains how even though people are face with challenges, those challenges are like the steps throughout life. You either control how many steps you take until you reach success or you control where your success will end. Either way, both paths face challenges in which helps those who have integrity stand out. All in all, Miss Maudie's message was to show how integrity can take you a long way as long as it's put to a good use in someone's life-just like Atticus's.

I agree with you Half Empty about what you have to say regarding Atticus when Miss Maudie states "We're so rarely called on to be Christians, but when we are, we've got men like Atticus to go for us"(Lee 288) but I also think that she also is trying to imply that the county of Maycomb has good citizens but bad things happen often.She is trying to indicate that when something occurs in the county like the Tom Robinson case, Atticus is the one who stands up and tries to make a difference even though he knows that a change can not be made.Miss Mudie is trying to point out how the Tom Robinson case is unusual to the town especially since Tom's case has to do with raping a girl which is considered to be a sinful act.Tom needed a lawyer like Atticus to defend him and Atticus proves that he is worthy of defending him.Atticus steps forward when he is needed the most, and is the only man brave enough to stand up for what he believes is true. It has been shown that Atticus is one of the only people thus far in the novel to be righteous, while the rest of the county is stereotypical and judgmental.

i agree with your opinion Dazzleta Sheblie about how Atticus has the courage to stand up to the truth when other can't. I believe that Atticus gave Tom a chance in proving himself worthy of trust and since Atticus actually had the chance to bond with Tom before the trial made me realize the type of man Atticus really was when Miss Maudie was telling Jem and Scout about Atticus's difficulties in chapter 22 of To Kill a Mockingbird. But also, throughout the chapters, I've noticed that Atticus proved himself worthy for acting courageous as he states "The main one is, if I didn't I couldn't hold up my head in town, I couldn't represent this county in the legislature, I couldn't even tell you or Jem not to do something again (Lee75). This quote defines Atticus's character.  When he says that he could not hold his head up in town if he didn't defend Tom, he means that he has spent his life trying to do what is right and moral.  He knows, and he truly believes that his town knows, that the right thing to do is to defend and protect Tom from a racist, false accusation. Atticus is such an ideal father because he strives to teach by example.  All of the morals and lessons he imparts to his children are ones that he truly believes.  He doesn't simply tell them to live those morals because they will be better people; he lives those morals himself because he believes them himself and hopes to make the world a more just place.

I think Miss Maudie's ideas and lessons to Scout and Jem are meant to be giving the kids hope that one day things will be better; Giving hope that one day things will change even if its in a slow process. Starting at pages 288-289 Miss Maudie explains to the kids Tom Roberson's case and the way he lost was not a loss but a beginning of change, She starts by explaining the "unpleasant jobs" that Atticus does for the city: the jobs none wants to do -such as in the setting of the book defending a black/Negro person. Then moves on into the trail and the good signs that happened such as keeping a jury for a very long time on a case like Roberson's instead of usually a white person just wins. Then she goes on explaining how what Atticus and people like him are creating baby steps to a process of changing. As Harper Lee, the author of To Kill A Mocking Bird   states, "we’re making a step—it’s just a baby-step, but it’s a step” (Lee 289). This explains that because of the small action big change started to occur slowly but still is a change that can later on start something big such as a  movement  for equality or a different way of life. It started as something small but small things still count and can grow to be something big. Anyways, Miss Maudie started to give hope with her lesson and she helped Scout and Jem realize the baby steps that are happening.

I disagree with your point in saying that her words were said to try and give the kids hope. I think Miss Maudies intention was to tell the children that what happened with the case and the situation in Maycomb wasn't Atticus's fault. Her intention was to tell the children that the ways of Maycomb is slowly changing. it as of now their racist views will still be in place. I do agree with the point you made that says that Atticus can help the ways of Maycomb change with his work. Even if there is change in Maycomb, it is very slight change that must take years to really make an impact on the town.

I agree with SmugOne Hamka on Miss Maudie just trying to inform the kids on what had actually happened and that it wasn't Atticus's fault. Even Miss Maudie knew that Atticus was going to lose that case. To prove this she says "I waited and waited to see you all come down the sidewalk,and as i waited i thought, Atticus Finch wont win, he cant win" (Lee 289). This clearly shows that Miss Maudie had thought that Atticus wont win. The reason she thought this was because there hasn't been "any jury decide in favor of a colored man over a white man" (Lee 279). This shows that most people of Maycomb are prejudice towards the black people and that change clearly needs to be done in Maycomb.

I agree with you moon because Miss Maudie did give the children some hope even if she didn't intend too. She gave them reasons to believe that change will come even if it's not an immediate change. These small changes that Atticus made could lead to something much bigger. like you said, "small things still count and can grow to be something big". Although we didn't see the bigger change in the novel we saw the smaller change. some changes that we saw in "To Kill a Mockingbird" by Harper Lee "..... as I waited I thought, Atticus Finch won't win, he can't win, but he's the only man in these parts who can keep a jury out so long in a case like that" (Lee 216). this change was that the jury stayed long enough to actually consider Tom not guilty. If someone else besides Atticus was defending Tom Robinson then this small change might not have occurred and there wouldn't have been hope for a bigger change.

 I think when Miss Maudie says, "We're the safest folks in the world. We're so rarely called on to be Christians , but when we are, we've got men like Atticus to go for us" she means that while many men pretend to be Christians, it's people like Atticus, who rarely attends church, yes, but has high moral ideals and steps forward when he is needed most (Lee 288). Maudie was remarking the hypocrisy of the "foot-washing baptists" she mentioned so long ago and explaining to them what a real Christian would do. Miss Maudie succeeded, too because Jem bitterly replies, "It's all right to talk like that--can't any Christian judges an' lawyers make up for heathen juries" (Lee 289). Jem recognized the mendacity of the jury who most claim to be devout and pious Christians, but when the time comes to show it, they scamper away from their responsibilities. Judge Taylor is also said to not go to Church every Sunday, even though his wife does. And Judge Taylor was one of the few who believed Atticus and the innocence of Tom and did something about it. I believe Harper Lee was attempting to bring up a very solid point: just because someone does all they can to seem like "real Christians," and follows all the rules--it does not make them truly faithful. The real faithful person does not have to scream to the world that they are God-fearing; they show it through their actions and through their words.



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