Topic 6: Chapter 23 and the different kinds of folks.

Topic 6: In chapter 23, Jem says that there are “four kinds of folks in the world.  There’s the ordinary kind like us and the neighbors, there’s the kind like the Cunninghams out in the woods, the kind like the Ewells down at the dump, and the Negroes” (Lee 302).  Scout replies saying she thinks “there’s just one kind of folks.  Folks” (Lee 304).  What do you think?  Who is “more” right: Scout or Jem?  Are there different kinds of people in the world—as Jem believes—or is Scout more right and that people are all the same?

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I agree with Scout.

"You know something, Scout? I've got it all figured out, now. I've thought about it a lot lately and I've got it figured out. There's four kinds of folks in the world. There's the ordinary kind like us and the neighbors, there's the kind like the Cunningham's out in the woods, the kind like the Ewells down at the dump, and the Negroes.

Jem is attempting to understand the , preconception he sees surrounding him. His separation of people into four groups accounts for the intense dislikleyness and discrimination he witnesses everyday. the story takes place during the great depression in south Alabama where segregation is a really big thing.he see's people hating or discriminating on "Negroes" and that really affects a twelve year old , it makes him (jem) wonder why they are discriminating on this colored man is he bad or harmful so he just wants to understand so he tries to look at things in a different way where he groups people to see his surroundings better.When Scout replies "Naw, Jem, I think there's just one kind of folks." she is revealing her own understanding of the world around her. she is not attempting to understand prejudice; she is accepting that it exists. this allows her to see that all people are one, no matter their background. but jem does not agree with scout , "when I was your age. If there's just one kind of folks, why can't they get along with each other? If they're all alike, why do they go out of their way to despise each other?" scout is right that there is only one type of folks out there that people are all the same we will discriminate and we will hate but we come together at the end and the only difference is the way we think and view the world.

i agree with you i think scout sees people as one because she is still too young to understand what is really happening and jem is growing and maturing so he knows more about the world around him but there are still these prejudice that are keeping him from actually thinking and from what i said above the prejudices dont affect her which means she is able to come up with her own ideas and thoughts and not have peoples opinions affect her. making her the 8 year old see the world more clear than her twelve year old brother

I disagree with you simply because Jems view on folks is not a 'terrible way' as you provided in your explanation because all Jem was trying to say is that people don't treat others equally and try to bring each other down in the best way possible and that they don't count each other as the same because of the way they live, or the color of their skin, however Jem also brought up a point where he says, "theres four kinds of folks in the world. theres the ordinary kinds like us and the neighbors, theres the kind like the Cunninghams out in the woods, the kind like the Ewells down in the dump, and the negroes."  (Lee 302) what Jem said here is something I clearly disagree with because mostly he's talking about the way people live and then brought up the negroes. everyone can be different In ways other than the way someone lives and the color of their skin, but they're still counted as that one kind of folk, they're all human. you can only label someone by their character and not by their looks or the way they live.

I somewhat disagree with yours because you said that "Jems way is terrible way to put thing" and I don't believe that because that's what Jem thinks and I know its wrong but that's what he believes  because of how old he is. Also when scout said that there are only one kind of folks. Folks, and then Jem replies and said that when he was her age he agreed with that  but now he doesn't think that because if there is only one kind of folk then why do they hate/fight on each other. Then he said that maybe Boo Radley stays inside because he wants too and jem said that because he was trying to say that boo doesn't want to deal with all that hate and negativity and would rather stay inside and not worry about it. I also agree with you because you said that you agree with Scout and that's what everyone wants- a better world so people would get along better/more.

Jem thinks that all people are different and scout thinks that all people are the same.

I agree with scout

Everyone should be treated the same.No matter someone's looks, beliefs, personality and etc. All of us are human beings and we all want to be treated the same.

Scout believes that everyone is the same. Scouts states that she thinks " there is just one kind of folks" ( Lee 220) I think scout is saying that everyone should be treated the same and that no one is different. Scout is stating how she dosent view people differently and that no one is different. Scout has a point saying that everyone is the same because people want to be treated all the same.

I agree with you, Scout views people all the same, and that they're no different than each other but if you think about it, Jem also has a point when he says "why can't they get along with each other? if they're alike, why do they get out of their way to despise each other?" (Lee 304)  its like a competition for everyone to hate on each other and bring others down, Jem is clearly disgusted by everyone and how they treat each other and thats why he doesn't count them as one kind of folks, Folks. Jem doesn't count them all as one kind of folks because of that reason specifically.

Jem is more right, there are different kinds/types of people in the world. There are rich people, poor people, people of color, nice people, mean people, etc. Also, looking at it from Scout's perspective, it seems like she thinks that there is one type of people- people (humans). Although that maybe true, It seems like she might have not understood what Jem is trying to say when he said there are many different people in the world. Also to prove this,  Harper Lee Included this in chapter 23: " "Thats what I thought, too," he said at last, "when I was your age." " (Lee 227). This shows that Scout is  young to understand this situation better and she simply just thinks that everyone is human but doesn't know that everyone is different and are treated different (people of color).

Harper Lee, an author, says the following: "There's four kinds of folks in the world. There's the ordinary  kind like us and the neighbors, there's the kind like the cunninghams out in the woods, the kind like the Ewells down at the dump, and the Negroes." (Lee 226) Jem is saying that there are people in this world that aren't similar but more different than what we think such as having a different skin, a different way of living, and a different way of everything. Take for example, the Ewells and the Finches: One lives in a dump, One lives in an ordinary neighborhood. Everyone's different is the main point that Jem is trying to say here and he is completely right. If scout would have been older, she would have understood this more and would most likely approach this in a different way.

I disagree
You're stating how there's different types of people like for instance you said there is rich people, poor people, nice people and etc but scout meant that she views everyone the same and that she's not focusing on ones charteristics. Scout was trying to state that everyone should be treated the same no matter what. Jem sounded like he was referring to the people based on how their life style is.

Jem was saying how everyone was different based on how they live. "There's four kinds of folks in the world. There's the ordinary kind like us and the neighbors, there's the kind like the Cunninghams out in the woods, the kind like the Ewells down at the dump, and the Negroes". (Lee 302) as you can see in this quote jem was saying how these people live and charterictics about them. Scout and jem point of views are different. However, scout is focusing on an individual all being he same and jem is basing it off how he views people. Scout views people regardless of anything and jem is the opposite

i disagree with you true human 9b you are saying there are different types of people in the world like poor people, rich people, happy people and etc but what scout means is we are all one despite our needs and what we have or dont have we are all human and unlike jem he is not focusing on the smaller picture which are the characteristics and needs scout is focusing on the fact we are all human no matter what."There's four kinds of folks in the world. There's the ordinary  kind like us and the neighbors, there's the kind like the cunninghams out in the woods, the kind like the Ewells down at the dump, and the Negroes." (Lee 302) he only gave the details the characteristics about them not  who they are or what they do. jem is saying this off what he see's not who they are which is the opposite of jem who is saying we are different no matter race religion and etc.

I somewhat agree/disagree with you on this point of view.

Jem is attempting to understand the prejudice he sees surrounding him. His division of people into four groups accounts for the hatred and discrimination he witnesses everyday. He still willingly believes that people are different, and can be categorized according to race or social class.

But Scout has a different viewpoint. Her hierarchy only has room for one group. She replies "Naw, Jem, I think there's just one kind of folks. Folks". This reveals her own understanding of the world around her. She is not attempting to rationalize prejudice; she is merely accepting that it exists. This allows her to see that all people are one, no matter their background. But Jem doesn't agree with this because he has a different mindset from Scout. It is okay for people to have opinions but those don't exist in reality, alot of people will hate on forever so we can't really do anything for that except changing their mindsets.

In my opinion there are different type of people but I do not agree with the way jem said it
People are different from the way they act or who they are becouse not everyone is the same were all different in a type of way so Jem wrong for saying there's the negroes beacouse we shouldn't be seen in color we all should be seen the same way we all are the sane we just act or are different from others as Jem says "there's the ordinary kind like us and the neighbors,Cunningham out in the woods, the kind like earls down at the dump, and the negroes" he's wrong for saying that but he's right for saying there's different kind of people. Also scout is wrong for thinking there's one type of person we are one person because we all should be treated equally and I think that's what scout is trying to say "there's just one kind of folks" but I'm sure if scout was older she would understand what jem is saying and what he means so I do agree that there's different type of people.

i agree with you zain ,its not the color of your skin , how wealthy you are ,or if your ugly, beautiful ,or nice ,its your character that really matters. for example boo or Arthur radley gave scout a blanket when the house across the radley place went in to flames , the point is they thought he was some ugly monster who hunts children and he turned out to be ice and protected them from Mr ewell when they were attacked he stabbed bob in the gut because he cared about the kids and didn't want them hurt because over the past 2 years he has been building a relation ship with them



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