Topic 8: Examine and analyze the character Miss Maudie Atkinson.

Topic 8: Examine and analyze the character Miss Maudie Atkinson.  What is her purpose in the novel—why does she exist?  How would the story be different without her?

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In the book to Kill a Mocking Bird Miss Maudie Atkinson presents herself as someone who likes to guide the kids in different ways whether its scolding them or talking to them about a problem even though she isn't a parent and the kids tend to have a bond with miss Maudie because they listen to her and don't just avoid or get mad at her like how they would with Aunt Alexandra. Not only is she there for scout and Jem but the whole finch family. During the missionary meeting after Atticus told cal about Helen, aunt Alexandra fell in despair because of Atticus's doings but Maudie took action and told her to get up for the guests so they wont know. she led the way for aunt Alexandra she portrayed a leading role. After the Tom Robinson court incident miss Maudie had a little chat with Scout and Jem saying "I simply want to tell you that there are some men in this world who have born to do our unpleasant things" (Lee 215). this goes to show that miss maudie wasn't just like any other neighbors that was gossiping about the incident but she took the time to advise the kids tell them the things that are happening to make them fully understand. Miss Maudie really kind of portrayed Atticus in a way since they both have a friend like relationship with the kids and they both have a great ideas and beliefs that are kind of similar to one another.

Imagine I personally agree with your sayings because Miss Maudie is that kind of neighbor that is sweet and everybody loves to be around her because of her amazing personality. Especially little children love to be around her, like Jem and Scout, because she indicates them about the community and instead of telling them to talk about others living in the community (like how other neighbors do) she makes them think of positive way through it. Miss Maudie's friendship with Scout is very nice and trustworthy because Scout knows that she can trust someone like Miss Maudie. Miss Maudie isn't only trustworthy, but she also gives good advice to Scout that helps Scout actually make her think about things that she didn't know before. In the book, When Scout and Miss Maudie were both talking about Boo Radley, Miss Maudie says "If he's not he should be by now. The things that happen to people we never really know. What happens in houses behind closed doors"(Lee 61). This basically means that we really don't know what people are capable of when it comes to gossiping or hiding secrets in some way. Miss Maudie tells her that Boo Radley has changed over the years because when he was little he was active and how a little boy should be but now nobody knows how he acts or what he does because everything about Boo is hidden. 

Rainbow not only is she sweet to them but shes also strict to them, meaning she could be a little rough to them and open toward in efforts of guiding them to the right path. she could be the most open minded lady in all of Maycomb because she really understands all the stuff that is going on, not only that but also knows alot  important morals and life lessons. If you notice aunt Alexandra and miss Maudie are both around the same age and both lived in  Maycomb but yet miss Maudie and Alexandra are two opposite people. That is because Alexandra is to focused on the morals of the finches that she forgets the most important things;this is why the kids tend to lean on miss Maudie. To furether support this point in chapter 22 miss Maudie yells at Jem stating "Dont you oh well me, sir...your not old enough to appreciate what i said" (Lee 215). She is acting a bit rough toward jem because he was in an emotional state and wanted him to understand why things are in this state. Thats why she resorted to yelling at him. Jem didnt get annoyed when maudie yelled at him and did nothing. Your explantion of maudie is correct but i feel like there is more to maudie than just being a sweet lady that gives out advice. 

I agree with you on that she is strict with them at times because she is trying to shape them for the real world. She tries to continuously make them feel better when they are upset, but she also tries to bring light to darker situations. When the kids are upset, she would always find a way to make them happy again. When the children went to Miss Maudie's house, she offered them cake, "We sensed this was Miss Maudie's way of saying that as far as she's concerned, nothing had changed," (Lee 215). Miss Maudie is always making the children feel better when they are upset and she is trying to tell them that things don't change after one event shakes them to their cores. She wants them to be able to walk away from an experience like that without feeling like the world is ending. That is how Miss Maudie is trying to shape them for the real world.

I do not agree with you, Rainbow 9A  because I do not think Miss Maudie is "kind" or "sweet". I think Miss Maudie's purpose in the novel, To Kill a Mockingbird is for Harper Lee to send her to send messages for the readers to develop and have thoughts about. She doesn't try to be kind, it's just her way of nature. Through Miss Maudie, "You are too young to understand it ... but sometimes the Bible in the hand of one man is worse than a whiskey bottle in the hand of - oh, of your father."(Lee 60). A message sent by Harper Lee - author of To Kill a Mockingbird - is that religiosity in some people can lead to injustices and bad outcomes because of the way bad people can interpret the certain things and use it for their own targets.This can lead to the kind of problems we see in the world around us, which Harper Lee wants us, readers, to notice.

I can see where your point is coming from Numia 9C but you cant completely ignore the fact that miss Maudie is sweet and kind. At first thats what I thought that she doesn't really portray a sweet character,  but she does and she treats adults and kids the same with the principle of respect and kindness. also you said that its her way of nature and that still defines her as sweet and kind since she is doing it without knowing. in the book when miss Maudie was first introduced she was playing with scout and keeping her company teaching her stuff which then scout states " your the best lady I know miss maudie"(Lee 45). Yes she doesn't say anything about her character being nice. But overall miss maudie in the eye of scout was a very kind like lady that she considered a friend unlike majority of the neighbors and adults that she knew.

But the thing is, Imagine 9A, how does this represent Miss Maudie's purpose in the novel? How would her kindness change the novel? She is not always kind or sweet as you say. Moreover, I think its more of Miss Maudie's way of thinking and how she brings thoughtful perspectives for Scout to think of, or even for the readers to know - an objective Harper Lee wanted to reach. Miss Maudie informing to Scout, "I simply want to tell you that there are some men in this world who have born to do our unpleasant things" (Lee 215). Considering what Miss Maudie was saying, it shows that her motive was not to be kind, but to show that there are always messages written for people to contain to have time to think about them. Not only that, but also it makes people develop other perspectives of a person that they thought they knew, but actually never knew much about them.

Yes Numia, I see your point of view and what you mean by it but at the same time I do agree with your way of saying that she is not kind or sweet but I do believe that Miss Maudie's actions make her kind, sweet and generous. By her actions, she guides Scout with the county and tells her more about her father which does make her an outstanding and open-minded character in the book To Kill A Mockingbird. Harper Lee states "People in their right minds never take pride in their talents"(Lee 130). This means that there are these specific people that do things that nobody knows about until that talent is shown in front of others that didn't know that person could actually do it. This was being referred to Atticus and how his kids didn't know that he was really good at shooting until they saw him and Miss Maudie told them that Atticus was gifted from god and is a very humble man. So not only is Miss Maudie a person that gives them advice but is also a person that gives Scout and Jem the ability to explore/find things on their own. 

YES!!! Thank you for clarifying that, Rainbow 9A! That was the point I was trying to make!!! And thank you for agreeing! :)

If you guys say that she isn't sweet but her actions are. but your actions define who you are! That just brings more light to the point that miss Maudie is a kind person to help or support in anyway. She uses her kindness as a guide to help the kids why do you think scout tends to listen to her more yes she may scold jem about some stuff but that doesn't mean she isn't very kind that's exact opposite. Shes worrying about two kids that are lost and do not have a mother so she is very kind and brave,enough to help the kids in any sort of situation infact not only the kids but Alexandra aswell when she was upset with fact that Atticus keeps getting involved and Alexandra has a brake down while the guest are here and does something really kind and brave of her she states "Then lets join the ladies she said grimily" (Lee 237). she told Alexandra not to worry and get back with that very line. she gave her reassurance that everything is fine and this shows how Maudie has a very big kind heart and I believe with it out she won't be able to guide the kids like she does already because that will give a new whole character change.

NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! IMAGINE!!! THIS IS MAKING ME FURIOUSS!!!! Ughh... I'm kidding! :) But, if Miss Maudie's purpose in the novel was just her being "kind" or "sweet", how would the novel be affected without her? This is why the purpose of Miss Maudie being in the novel has a BIGGER purpose than her being "kind". As I said before, her purpose can be interpreted as her sending a message/idea for Scout/the readers to build onto. As one of Miss Maudie's messages, "And I thought to myself, well, we're making a step - it's just a baby-step but it's a step." (Lee 289). Doesn't that give you deep thought about what's she talking about? Hmm. Also, how does this NOT give you different perspectives on objects or people? What I'm trying to say is, Harper Lee's purpose of Miss Maudie is to show that there are always messages written for people to contain and have time to think about, which might lead to an outstanding thought, never thought before.

I like the points that you brought up, like I said earlier Miss Maudie is someone sweet that shows really good character throughout the novel. She is someone that's always involved in the events that happen in Maycomb County like the Tom Robinson trial. We can tell that Miss Maudie is very upset and furious that Tom is being convicted of a crime that he didn't do. She believed that Tom Robinson was innocent and that everyone was against him just because he was a black man living in the deep south in the 1960s. Miss Maudie denotes a sympathetic and compassionate view toward Tom Robinson. It looks like she understands his struggles of being a black man surrounded by racist individuals. She teaches Scout to look at people like in this case Tom in different ways and not listening to other peoples opinions. This also applies in our society we consistently believe other peoples bias opinions without truly getting to know that individual.  



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