This discussion can be ongoing.  No matter where you are in the text, you can share your thoughts and ideas and feelings about Calpurnia.

  • Here, just discuss the character Calpurnia.  What is her purpose?  Why is she in the text?  What would the story lose without her in the novel?  Do you like her?  Can you stand her?  Whatever you have to say about Cal, here's the place to say it.

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Calpurnia has a very important role in the text. First off, she's basically a mother figure to both Jem and Scout. She does things for them like prepare food and disciplines them like most mothers. But she also plays another huge role. She's also there to teach them lessons throughout the entire book. So far, she's only taught Scout one lesson. this was when Walter was over. Scout was treating him differently because he was a Cunningham even though he was still company. Although this was a simple lesson, Cal taught Scout not to treat him differently no matter who he was. Cal tells scout " Don't matter who they are, anybody sets foot in this house's yo' comp'ny" (Lee 24). Cal is teaching Scout treat people fairly even if you're "high and Mighty" (Lee 24). Within the first three chapters, Cal teaches Scout a lesson and is also a mother figure to them. I think throughout the book, Cal is going to teach Jem and Scout very important lessons.

I agree that Calpurnia is an important character because she acts as a mother for both Scout and Jem because when author Lee describes her and her reactions such as slapping Scout because of a mistake it shows that she cares about them although her fast reaction might've not been the best reactions but it proves that she truly cares about Scout and Jem because she started teaching them whats right from what she saw they made a mistake in.



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