I'd like to let other teachers know about a web 2.0, free site I created so teachers can share lesson recipes. Teaching Recipes.

It is meant for EFL / ESL / ESOL teachers but really suitable for all teachers to find and share ideas. Just tag appropriately and share your most important resource - your delicious creativity!

Comments, suggestions are welcome. I'd like to know what you think about the site/idea.

Thanks, keep sharing,


Tags: efl, english, esl, esol, ideas, lessons, vocabulary, website

Views: 478

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I like the look and feel of the site. Neat concept! I'll spread the word!

Thanks for the thumbs up. The guy who made the site is a fellow tech saavy teacher. And though its focus is EFL/ ESL, the wonderful thing about our "subject" is that is crosses all curriculum borders, so teachers of all sorts can glean (but also share) ideas on Teaching Recipes. Online, there are lots of bookmarking places and lots of "flat" lists but nothing web 2.0 which will allow for discussion + great search ability. With the plethora of new teachers trying their hands at teaching English, I think this site will be a godsend.

Cheers and thanks for spreading the word!
We just updated the look / form of Teaching Recipes. I think you'll like it even better and very user friendly. A great place to share ideas for teaching, lots there to look through already (1 week counting).



Thanks for the head up. That site does seem like a jewel. I just sent out a Tweet about it. Thanks.



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