Use this discussion to post your thoughts, links, or questions relating to Sue's beginner show (more information at

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Hi Sue Waters!!

Sorry I missed the show. I was at a "County of Education group web 2.0 brainstorming meeting" tonight. I told everyone about your beginner's series and several people there said they'd plan to check it out. :) Looking forward to the next meeting for wiki-building-fun.

Great idea to add a beginner's group to CR20!
Sorry to hear that you missed it Donelle but you can check out the recordings. Hopefully some of your people joined. It definitely was action packed so hope to see you in two weeks.

The idea for the beginners group was a suggestion from one of the participants in the session -- definitely a good idea.
vanakam (namaste)

we'd like to create wikis for our 'social experience' seminar students on human rights, social justice and environemtal issues and our 'ib theory of knowledge' students on knowledge issues, knowledge claimss, areas of knowledge, ways of knowing, knower's perspectives, presentations and prescribed essay topics...

i too am looking forward to sue's next wiki-building-fun
Hi Sue - and Steve
The beginners group is a great idea. I 'attended' the session on Elluminate today, but due to the constant disruptions at my office door, I didn't really get to digest the whole session. I was hoping to be able to play it back through Elluminate as it appeared to be recording, but I can't seem to find where I can access it. Any clues would be appreciated. I am looking forward to the next session in a fortnight but will have to find a better spot to hide! (Not sure if the Elluminate world clock convertor has caught up with the fact that EST (Aus) is not on daylight savings at the moment. Last night it told me the session would start at 11.00am local time. It was only by chance that I logged on early and found that it was actually starting at 10.00am. I guess this is an issue for Elluminate.) Anyway what I did hear of the session was great. Thanks very much.
Hi Muriel!
I was looking for it earlier tonight as well. Here's the link. You'll find the links for the recording and the chat log there at the top. "See" you next time.
Thanks Donelle - I found the links that Sue had put up for the audio thread and the Chat log, but what I was actually looking for was the recording of the Elluminate session. Last year I did a few sessions (The Knowledge Bank Conference) and I was able to play back the slides, and all the interactive activity through Elluminate. Maybe it takes them a little while to put the link up? Thanks anyway for your reply. Yes, I am looking forward to the next session - its nice to be able to join in a session during the day (Aussie time!)
Here's the link:

It should also be up on the website at some point soon! :)
Thanks Steve - I am looking forward to watching the session again in peace and quiet!
Hi Muriel, the sessions will be each fortnight on a Thursday at 10 AM Australian Eastern States time. You can also subscribe to Edublogs Live newsletter that include time in AEST.
Hi Sue,
I attended the first session! It was great! Love hearing from all the Aussie educators---its awesome! I believe that some posted a request that we discuss the parental factors regarding how to help them be comfortable with WIKI's in the classroom and beyond the classroom. What type of permission/notices are recoomened or are others implementing? How and what are some using to deal with keeping the WIKI usage advertisement free, how do we organize our WIKIs better as they evolve? What are some concerns we should consider before adding third party APPS (terms of service fine print details we may not "catch"). How can we get a forum type communication going in PBWORKS like the WIKISPACES discussion page? Can you switch over your pages to another WIKIprovider if you started with one and are wanting to change? Does WIKIspaces have usernames/passwords like PBWORKS (ideal for the hesistant teachers/administrators who frown on e-mail account requirments_.
Thanks for joining the first session plus for taking the mic to share your thoughts. Everyones willingness to write on the white board, use the mic and chat made for a session that was full of information.

Thanks for following up with these questions so that we can look into them further.

would recommend that people follow the same principles we use with blogging in terms of parental consent. However I would also make sure first that educators discuss with their school administrator and/or district what they would like to do plus check if there are any guidelines in place that they need to follow. I would suggest teachers consider meeting with parents to give them a better understanding of what they are doing and why. With blogging many educators send home letters that explain the program and get parents to sign consent. Due to the negative way the Internet is portrayed in the media it is important to make sure everyone involved has a clear understanding of what you are trying to achieve and the processes involved.

Re- advertisement I think that is probably an aspect better left for others to discuss.

Organising wikis as with any other web 2.0 site can be challenging. My approach is I like to check out how others are doing what they do and adopt aspects that I see work well.

Hopefully someone will answer the question for you relating to PBWorks. I suggest you also check my blog post and if any one is saying they use PBWorks ask them that question.

Good question about changing wiki providers. Not sure. Hope someone knows the answer so I don't have to search. Definitely with all standard blogging platforms you can change between blogs but I'm not sure about wikis.



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