I have a number of Google Wave invitations to give out--if you are interested, please let me know. There are several Classroom 2.0 members already using Wave.

Tags: 2.0, Google, Wave, Web, invitations

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hey can i get one?
I will need your e-mail address in order to send an invite
ezravg@gmail.com, thanks!
No problem--Google takes a while (a few days) to actually send out the invites.
don@donkasprzak.com please
OK--you're invited--Google takes awhile
I would love for you to invite Todd Hamilton. thamilt2@lane.k12.or.us I got an invite and he wants to be in the Google Wave network, but I don't know how to get invites to him. Let me know if this works. Thank you Jeffrey!
No problem--sent Google the info


I would love one...thanks
OK--you're invited--Google takes awhile
Hello Jeffrey,

Would you mind sending me one as well at 'mhmd.anour@gmail.com'? Thanks in advance.

Done--hope you enjoy--Google takes a few days before you actually get it!



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