Do you know if there is any plagiarism checker integrated with Google Classroom? I'm waiting for this feature but I can't find detailed info(

Tags: checker, classroom, google, integration, plagiarism

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Hi Deborah,

I've recently heard that plagiarism checker Unichek has integrated with Google Classroom. You can find detailed information about it in this article:

From myself, I can say that I've been using this tool for a year now. It helps me always to be sure my students have their own thoughts on some topic and are able to think critically, which I think is one of the most important skills nowadays. When I had heard this news about their integration with Google Classroom I was so happy. GC is my favorite LMS and after their integration with this checker, it's easier for me to check my student's assignments for plagiarism.

Also, i don't know whether any of other checkers are integrated with Google Classroom. I've heard only about this one.


Nancy, thanks a lot! I'll check it )

You're welcome, Deborah! 

I know only Unicheck, it integrates with Google Classroom via API




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