Hey, I'm trying to kick off a WIKI project with educators/parents to develop a WIKI with practical INTERVENTION advice, lesson plans, resources AND MENTORS that people (like me with an Aspi kid) and GIVE to teacher and schools. The aim is to have things that they can (will) use with our kids 1/2 hours week to engage them - and not continue to marginalize them - of give use, the parents, yet more tea and sympathy solutions. Here's my blog post.

This would be a powerful network, and make a massive change in classrooms - but like everything, needs people to help out and drive it collaboratively. Add one thing or add a ton - everything matters as it's really hard to get into schools and do PD - so why not make a resource we can all share - PRACTICAL, DO-ABLE ACTIVITIES that engage ASPI kids.

Sure I'm not the only parent struggling with laggard teachers who don't do enough (yeah, I know the teacher is just too busy). Let's fix that.

Tags: aspi, autism, differentiated, learning, needs, special

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Well, two people replied to the blog post, so I made a wiki http://aspi20.wikispaces.com/ - Please keep the discussion going here, and add your voice to the wiki. I look forward to seeing this develop - as there is very little 'practical classroom' stuff out there right now. I am NOT an expert in teaching in this area, but can and will support any teacher wanting to develop online resources, lesson plans or materials they need. Just ask me.
Hi Dean,

I recommend you contact Nellie Deutsch.

She's an online tech leader and a big advocate of Wiki educator.

You can connect with her through this site.





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