So for the little story, I took the opportunity of Slideshare Wolrd Best Presentation contest to finish one I had on invasive species and applied for that contest.

As it is meant to be a little pedagogical, I turn to you all as experts in making / viewing presentations to have your valuable opinion on it.

If you happen to like it and use Slideshare, a vote for it will be more than welcome!

And as a special bonus and as I value the principle of sharing, I did set a little online course to complete the information with videos, a test and ... you can even download the presentation model if you wish to use it for your own courses ...

So here is the presentation:

And you can register for free for the complementary course here:

Hope you'll like it and thank you in advance for your expert feedback...


Tags: biology, ecology, presentation

Views: 628

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Well ... OK I do not even estimate myself this presentation is amongst the World Best Presentations but still ... I'd love to have your opinion on it ...

Thanx in advance




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