Why would George lie say that Benetha and George were having a "fine" time when Mama asked, but Benetha said that George is a "fool"?

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George lied to mama because he didn't want to disappoint her with the thing s he was telling Beneatha. George wanted to give mama a good impression of himself .

George is lie was based on the sole fact that he wants Mama to like him and telling Mama that it went wrong would just let her down and leave a bad impression.

George lied to mama sine he did not want her to get sid and dissapointed in him. He wanted mama to believe that he was a good person.


Maybe George didnot want Benethas mom to think he was a bad person or think bad of him. On the other hand Beneatha doesnot like him and thinks he is a fool.

George lied to Mama to say that they had a good time, to leave a good impression on Mamma and maybe to try and ustify in his mnd that it was a good time. Beneatha called him a fool because he did respect and understand her personality and that she didn't just want to kiss and be all lovey-dovey but to have intellectual conversations with him

I agree with you Wesley, because Mama did call George a fool but only in Beneatha's remark .But why do you say this?

I think George lied to Mama for the fact that he wants her to like him. He wants to get the fact in Mama's mind that he is a good person.

George lied to Mama so that she sees him as a good person and accepts the fact that Beneatha and George are seeing eachother. George wants Mama to aprove of him so that he can stay with Beneatha.

George's attitude is all for show. If him and Benetha were fighting he would not tell Mama because he wants to keep his relationship personal. Benetha is a blunt person, if you ask her a question expect a answer that is "straight up". George also wants to save their relationship and Benetha has moved on emotionally if she doesn't necessarily express it physically.  

George lied to Mama because he wanted to leave a good impression. He didn't want Mama to think he was a bad influence or a bad person, he just wanted Mama to like him. 

George lied to Mama because he didn't want to disapoint her and he wanted to leave a good impresion since she thinks he is a good person.

george lied becouse he wanted mama  to feel good about him.



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