In their most recent issue, Lauren Barak of SLJ discusses the use of Classroom 2.0 to give feedback to Secretary of Education Margaret Spelling.

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Great beginnings here. Progress! Steve... you are carving a path.

A quote from you, in the article:

"I believe meaningful change can only come from an engaged dialogue and not from a top-down mandate."

Steve, you (and the members of this network) are making active inroads in a new style of relating: two-way. Information

Dialogue? You provided some dynamic examples of use of dialogue. Very powerful. Thanks for all the work in direction-changing. It's time to get back to the heart of learning in the schools these days. It's not about predefined bits of things that need to be memorized for achievement of some benchmark by some specific time; it's not that at all. We need to stop fiddling around about random details and instead actively pursue sharing of best practices that lead to us being effective guides for young people in this new age. It's all about the learning, ours, and theirs. (Look at the forum "Making Meaning")

Anyhow, congratulations! Well-done--and ongoing!
So eloquent, Skip. You are a good spokesperson for so many of us here. Gives me faith that "re-orienting education" is, indeed possible, and in fact, happening.



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