I just finished a marathon real-time blogging session at an interesting conference in New York, titled "Teacher 2.0 - Developing the 21st Century Workforce." http://www.edustat.com/

Nitin Julka, David DeSchryver and I blogged about many of the presentations, really fast! I also got to meet quite a few VIPs, including John Bailey, Senior Program Officer - National Initiatives Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation; NBA star Kevin Johnson; Ken Kay Founder and Chairman, Infotech Strategies and President, Partnership for 21st Century Skills; and the highlight- former Xerox chairman David T. Kearns.

This was without a doubt one of the best conferences I have ever attended. If you ever get the chance to go-- take it.

I would love it if you would check a few of the posts out http://www.edustatblog.com/?author=16 and leave a comment or two on the site as well!

I think we are the perfect group to help push the thinking of the educational leaders that will be reading this site. I look forward to learning from your comments.

Sheryl Nussbaum-Beach

Tags: edustat07

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I am humbled by your reply. Thank you. I hope you will take the time to make a comment or two over on the EduStat blog. I would personally love to read your responses.

Now Skip has an idea. I am so motivated and enlightened by reading posts and professional blogs by the members of this community. Why can't we elect our elect our own Secretary?
Thank you very much for good information on http://21stcenturylearning.typepad.com/

I admire the teachers who are doing good job using technology in teaching.



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