A hangover is Nature's way of reminding you that alcohol is not good for your body. Having said that, there are some substances that will reduce the damage or lessen the discomfort.
1. Water
It isn't so much the alcohol that causes a hangover as some of the chemicals the alcohol is metabolized into, such as acetaldehyde. It takes water to detoxify alcohol, so the more water you drink the less dehydrated you will become and the less severe or longlasting the hangover will be.
2. Aspirin
Aspirin brings pain relief and reduces inflammation of irritated tissues, which helps address one of the causes of the pain. Powders work most quickly, but buffered aspirin may cause less stomach upset.
3. B Vitamin Complex
B vitamins are needed to help the body cope with stress, including physical stress from exposure to ethanol, its metabolites, methanol (found in red wine and cognac), and sulfites (used to preserve many beverages).
4. Cysteine
Cysteine is an amino acid that directly counteracts the negative effects of acetaldehyde. Cysteine is the primary component of the chemical glutathione, which is quickly used up in the detoxification process. Eggs are rich in cysteine, so there may be some benefit to the 'raw egg' remedy.
5. Vitamin C
Detoxifying alcohol and its metabolites leaves free radicals floating around in the body. Vitamin C is an excellent antioxidant, so having enough available will help minimize tissue damage and hangover discomfort. Alcohol also depresses the immune system, so consider taking vitamin C to help ward off the cold or flu after drinking.

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