My previous post about using the Prologue theme in WordPress to create a private "Twitter" probably got a little mired in technical details for most folks, so I am creating a new one so no one has to wade through technical stuff.

Prologue has many advantages for schools over Twitter. First of all, Prologue gives you more control over access and content of the site. Additionally, your own installation will likely circumvent issues with filters. A Prologue/WordPress installation is also much more likely to pass muster with administrators and the technology powers-that-be. It is certainly very straight forward and easy to use for students.

For school use, one can restrict registration and keep it private--set up so only logged in users can view the blog. I think that it is important that any unmoderated K12 school blog be private. This is done with a plugin and a few settings in the backend. You could also moderate the site, but I think that defeats the purpose of the microblogging interface.

Give it a test run if you like. I set up a WordPress blog with the Prologue theme on my server. Unlike my installation at school, it may be viewed without logging in

Just click here and give it a look. If you like, choose register (right hand column under the tags and links), select a user name. A password will be sent to your email address. If you'd rather message me here, I'll set up an account for you. Once you do that, you can post

Give it a shot if you are interested!

Tags: blogging, microblogging, prologue, twitter, wordpress

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