PBS Teachers just launched Access, Analyze, Act: A Blueprint for 21st Century Civic Engagement. This curriculum is designed to promote students' civic engagement and 21st century skills through the use of social media tools. In addition to a teacher's guide, which I've attached here, the site offers video modules for teachers and an interactive quiz for students to measure their political personalities. This curriculum represents a step forward for PBS, because we haven't previously created resources that so thoroughly incorporate Web 2.0 tools. Our goal is to help teachers learn about these tools and, in turn, encourage administrators to appreciate their value and allow their use in classrooms.

I hope that you will check out the Blueprint and let us know what you think. We're very eager to hear from innovative teachers about your experiences using these resources.

Jenny Bradbury
PBS Teachers

Tags: civics, elections, infolit, medialit

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(Great job tonight, Jenny, Renee, Joyce, and Kristin! )

Here is the link to the recording of the show: https://sas.elluminate.com/p.jnlp?psid=2008-09-10.1801.M.589A53B224...

Here is the link to the chat log: http://wiki.classroom20.com/PBS+Election+2008+Chat

Thanks to all who attended and especially to PBS for the great resources.



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