Although YouTube has been blocked from many/most schools, for obvious reasons and not so obvious ones. YouTube does provide great resources and content for teachers and students. View the list of the Top 100 Videos for Teachers. This list is provided by
SmartTeaching.org, a leading online resource for current teachers, and aspiring education students and student teachers.
YouTube's 100 Best Teacher Videos:
These videos can give your students a better insight into historical events.
- Learn History: This YouTube channel provides loads of videos on historical events related to crime and punishment and the American west.
- Animated Bayeux Tapestry: Students learning about European history can watch this video which takes the Bayeux Tapestry and brings it to life.
- The Day the Music Died: This video can be a great introduction to pop culture in the 50’s and 60’s through the song American Pie.
- Surviving the Holocaust: Teach students about the impact of the Holocaust by showing them how it impacted this individual.
- Oliver Cromwell: Here you’ll find photos and text that tell about the life of Oliver Cromwell.
- Elizabeth I: Let students learn about the history of England by watching this video presentation on Elizabeth I.
- Computer History: Technology is a big deal these days, and students can learn about where it all started by watching this video.
- Gettysburg Reenactment: Bring the American Civil War to life by showing students this reenactment of a battle.
- The Assassination of JFK: This famous video is a huge part of American history, and you can let students watch it via YouTube.
- Fall of the Berlin Wall: Classes studying modern history can learn about the impact of the fall of the Berlin Wall through this news report.
- How to Make a Mummy: Created by teachers, this animated video shows how the ancient Egyptians created their mummies.
- A Brief History of Mankind: This video sums up the history of mankind in just a few minutes, making it a good intro to history classes.
Make science more fun and interactive by using these videos in class.
- Rubber Hand Illusion: This video explores the strange phenomenon of the rubber hand illusion which can help get students interested in biology and psychology.
- Theory of Everything: Here you’ll find an explanation of the Theory of Everything.
- The World of Chemistry: This video gives a humorous take on several chemistry principles.
- Physics of Superheroes: Take physics to another level by showing students how physics can help explain the abilities of superheroes.
- The Physics of Baseball: Get students more interested in physics by relating them to sports with this video.
- Meiosis: Explain the division of reproductive cells by using this video as an illustration.
- Virtual Frog Dissection: If the idea of dissecting a real frog makes you cringe, consider showing your classes this virtual dissection instead.
- How to Build a Simple Electric Motor: Science students can watch this video and complete this simple experiment to make class more interesting.
- Chemistry Experiments: This series of videos covers a wide range of fun and interesting chemistry experiments.
- DNA Replication Process: Show students this video to help illustrate just how DNA replicates.
- Classification Rap: What better way to remember the categories of classification than to create a rap? Students will enjoy this catchy song.
- Birth of the Solar System: Students may enjoy watching this video that shows how our solar system was formed.
Get advice on improving your language class or use these videos as classroom supplements.
- Improving Listening Skills for ESL Teachers: Those teaching students to speak English can help boost their listening skills with some advice from this video.
- Language Learning and Web 2.0: Watch this to learn how you can use technology to improve your language classes.
- Alphabet Road: Young children will enjoy watching this series of videos that shows them letters in relation to animals and machines on a farm.
- Task Based Learning: See how task based learning can impact your language courses by watching this video.
- Teach Your Children Spanish: Spanish teachers working with younger children can supplement their lessons with these helpful videos.
- Tips on Teaching a Foreign Language: This video gives some valuable tips that can help improve your skills as a language teacher.
- Teach Yourself Sign Language: Whether you’re working with deaf kids or just want to learn a new skill, this video can help you to learn to sign.
- ESL Teaching Tips: Teaching ESL comes with its own set of challenges. This video can give you some pointers on being a better teacher.
- Spanish for Gringos: Students young and old can benefit from these videos which help with pronunciation and grammar in Spanish.
- How to Teach Latin: Latin may come off as boring to many students, so help jazz it up with some tips from this video.
- Grammar Rock: Who doesn’t love those old Schoolhouse Rock videos? Play these for your kids when they’re learning about elements of grammar, including this one on verbs.
These videos provide great information on art and art education programs for you and your students.
- ARTSplash!: This video can help you learn about the ARTSplash program, which can be a valuable addition to the arts education programs in your school.
- Teaching Flute to the Remedial Band Student or Novice: Music teachers who are struggling with students working below the level they should be at can get some teaching pointers from this video.
- The Dark Genius of Caravaggio: Show students the work of Italian artist Caravaggio in this video slide show.
- A Tribute to Vincent Van Gogh: Students can enjoy the colorful and unique work of Van Gogh in this video.
- Salvador Dali: Explore the eccentric genius of Salvador Dali by showing your students this video of his surrealist paintings and movies.
- Pablo Picasso: One of the best known artists, students can learn to recognize numerous works by Picasso from watching this video.
- Rijksmuseum: Take a virtual field trip through the Rijksmuseum and see great works by artists like Rembrandt, Vermeer and Van Gogh.
- Art Education for the Blind: Learn to make art education valuable for even your blind students by watching this video.
- Art In Secondary Education: Get some tips on using art education in high schools through this video created in part by several museums and high schools.
- Art Education 2.0: This video gives educators an introduction to Art Education 2.0, an online community on ning.com.
- Innovative Art Education: Take your creativity to the next level with suggestions from this video.
- Cairo Museum: Take a virtual tour of numerous works of art in the Cairo Museum with this video.
Everyone has a hard day sometimes, and you can remind yourself why you became a teacher by checking out these videos.
- Teachers Make a Difference: This video tells an inspirational story about how a teacher made a difference in a student’s life.
- Teachers Are Like Mirrors: Here you’ll be encouraged to remember that teachers play a big role in building students’ self esteem.
- What Teachers Make: Tyler Mali delivers his free form poem about what a difference teachers can make.
- The Miracle Workers: Another Tyler Mali poem delivered in 2007, intended to inspire and build morale in teachers.
- 100 Ways to Show Children You Care: While geared more towards parents, this video can give some good suggestions on showing your students how you care about them.
- Teaching is Amazing: This video shows a series of inspirational quotes on teaching and can be just what you need to pick yourself up on a bad day.
- Thank You, Teacher: Here you’ll hear the story of how a simple thank you from a student made a difference in a teacher’s life.
- You Never Gave Up On Me: Listen to the story of this teacher who never gave up on a student who struggled to read.
- Make a Difference: This story, while fictional, can still be a great inspiration to teachers everywhere.
- Teachers Who Make a Difference: This series of videos documents teachers from all over who have made a difference in their students’ lives.
Classroom Management
Ensure your classroom stays a happy and organized learning environment with some help from these videos.
- Diffusing Entitle or Helicopter Parents: Dealing with parents can be one of the biggest challenges of being a teacher. This video offers some advice on managing even the toughest parents.
- Assertiveness Scenarios: Don’t let coworkers and students walk all over you. This video showcases several scenarios and how to act more assertive.
- Education Techniques for Children With Autism: Working with children who have disabilities can be challenging, but this video gives some useful pointers to make it a little easier.
- Maintaining Discipline: Watch this video for advice on keeping your classroom under control.
- Classroom Management Ideas for At-Risk Students: Those dealing with students that are at a high risk can find out ways they can better work with them in this video.
- Tips and Tricks for Classroom Management: Get some basic tips and tricks on keeping your classroom running smoothly in this video.
- Positive Learning Places: Here you’ll get advice on several aspects of classroom management and how you can create an environment conducive to learning.
- Teacher Training: This video gives teachers some ideas on how to better engage their students and improve their learning environment.
- Creating Respectful Classrooms: This video can help give your students the tools they need to be respectful, responsible citizens in your classroom.
- How to Maintain Classroom Discipline: Good and Bad Methods: Learn what works and what doesn’t when it comes to classroom discipline through the instruction of this video.
- Positive Discipline in the Classroom: Here you’ll learn how to use positive reinforcement to discipline students in your classes.
How-Tos and Guides
These helpful guides and instructional videos can give you assistance with a variety of classroom issues.
- Challenging Behavior in Young Children: Learn to modify the behavior of elementary age children with advice from this video.
- Preschool Learning Ideas: Get some ideas on how to work with preschool age children through suggestions from this video.
- How to Teach a Child Math: This basic video gives some pointers on the best way to teach kids math.
- First Year Teachers: What Not to Do In the Computer Lab: While very tongue in cheek, this video does offer some helpful suggestions to engaging your students while they’re in the computer lab.
- Teacher Interview Questions: Find out what kind of questions you can expect in interviews for teaching jobs in this helpful video.
- How to Become a Teacher By Being a Substitute: This video can help those looking to work as full time teachers who are only substituting at the moment.
- How to Be an Amazing Teacher: Want to be the best teacher you can be? Check out this video for ways you can go above and beyond.
- How to Start a Class Successfully: Learn how to set the stage for your whole day by starting your class.
- Exploring Diversity In Your Classroom: Engage children from all backgrounds in your classroom with some tips from this video.
- Teacher Tips Organization: This video can help you learn to get and stay organized.
- How to Get the Second Half of the School Year Off to a Great Start: It can sometimes be difficult to get back in the groove of learning and teaching after a lengthy winter break. This video gives advice on how to get back into the swing of things.
These videos can help you learn to use technology in the classroom and on your own time more effectively.
- Podcasting for Teachers: Learn how to create your own podcast in this informative series. This video covers one of the first steps: getting your own blog.
- What is Moodle?: Moodle can be a great classroom tool for students and teachers. This video can help you learn the basics of the program.
- Google Docs Tutorial for Teachers: This tutorial will show you the basics of using Google Docs so you can save and edit documents online.
- Microsoft Word Training for Teachers: Don’t let your students run circles around you using technology. Learn to use Word with this helpful video.
- SMART Board Orientation: While not all teachers are so lucky to have a SMART Board, those that do can get help on using it from this orientation.
- Pay Attention: Don’t think technology is important in your classroom? This video might change your mind.
- Using PowerPoint(Or Not): This video explains ways you can use PowerPoint in the classroom and reasons why you may not want to.
- A Vision of K-12 Students Today: Here you’ll learn why technology is so important to today’s children.
- Using Technology in Education: Embrace the overall health of your students by watching this video which explains how to use technology to improve mental health.
- ChitChat Basic Walkthrough: Learn to use the program ChitChat by watching this instructional video.
- Shift Happens: Learn what you’ll need to do in order to prepare your classroom to meet the technological needs of your students.
If you need a good laugh, watch these over your lunch hour or after class.
- Teachers Suck: While somewhat vulgar, this Tom Green rap can be entertaining to see how some students might view education.
- History of the World: This simple revision of world history is a fun and creative video to watch.
- Dramatic Chipmunk: This simple clip makes entertaining use of one very shocked looking chipmunk.
- Brad Neely’s George Washington: Get a different take on the history of George Washington with this funny and quite catchy song.
- Spiders on Drugs: Health teachers will find this parody video entertaining.
- History of the USAEnjoy this funny take on the history of the United States. :
- St Sanders Guitar Parody: These videos take some of the guitar greats and pair them with lame riffs, with hilarious results.
- Welcome to My Home: Old videos have been paired with new commentary in this funny series.
- Sneak Thief: Watch as this hungry gull robs a store owner blind.
- Super Mole Brothers: Chemistry teachers can appreciate this video project which was made in honor of National Mole Day.
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