Nancy Bosch

, Female

Overland Park, Kansas

United States

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School / Work Affiliation
public schools
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About Me
I'm an elementary teacher with 22 years experience teaching gifted kiddos.

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  • Elizabeth Bonsignore

    Thanks, Nancy! I am asking because one of my professors and I are working on a book chapter about online communities and teacher professional development -- in fact, Classroom2.0 is the community we have looked at, based on some coursework that I did while "lurking"/reading on Classroom2.0, and the work that two Carnegie Mellon University students, April Galyardt and Turadg Aleahmad, did on Classroom2.0 in coordination with Steve Hargadon (they were featured in a few online community discussions late last fall). Anyway - we found that there are "colleagues/friends" and that there is an entity called "groupies," and were wondering about the difference.

    Thanks again!
  • Naini Singh

    hi Nancy,
    I feel overwhelmed with all the info out there. Too much to learn from. Right now am struggling with to i add my other blog sites to my classroom 2.0 blog, how do
    i add widgets. please do help!
  • Renee Hewitt

    Hi Nancy!

    You were the first name listed as a host, so I am contacting you with a few general questions.  I am a newbie to this site and have signed up as a member of the Beginner's Group.  I would like to watch previous presentations by Sue Waters on wikis, but I can't seem to find the correct links.  If you could lead me in the right direction, I would appreciate it.  Thanks!