Britt Gow

58, Female



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School / Work Affiliation
Hawkesdale P12 College

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  • Kevin

    Hello Britt,

    I started a new Ning network for middle school science teachers. Thought you might want to check it out.
    Thanks, Kevin
  • Anne Mirtschin

    I always wondered about the chat option but you have to add a chat widget. Just thinks it tells you they are online and you use msn or skype for instant messaging. Went to footy today. Cold and wet so now off to get something for tea. Thank you for congratulations and yes, I can satisfy two passions at once.
  • Govinda Prasad Panthy

    Hi Britt,
    Can you plz. let me know some ways to teach maths in primary level thru games? If you have idea plz. let me know soon. I've to find out some math games for them within Wednesday. Plz note we dn't have access of technology at school.
    I run a school for children ageing 3 to 12 in a rural areas.