Now that Apple unveiled their new "toy", I was wondering what impact this might potentially have in the classroom.

I really think that there are endless possibilities when it comes for K-12 education.

Mobile Labs for El Ed can be replaced w/ easier to use iPad touch devices.  1 to 1 programs that are very expensive could become more affordable w/ the new iPad.  Finally, imagine if it could create a truly "paperless" environment where the text book is obsolete and everything is purchased through their new "app", Books.

I know all of this is bit presumptuous but w/ a new version of iWorks built specifically for the iPad and the ability to sync w/ either a Mac or PC, this provides an excellent solution for an "Office" suite.

It just seems like there are so many great things that can still be done in brand new innovative ways, such as: blogging, podcasts, browsing, etc etc.

I'm curious to what others have to think about this matter as well.


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Digital beats analog (i.e. the blackboard or the textbooks) anytime. I agree that there are endless possibilities with the use of ipad. I have even read somewhere that the Angry Birds game came out as one of the questions in Physics examination. I think this was in Singapore.


Going the paperless route is very good for the environment. And do you remember the time when you were in school with a big bag on your back carrying big books? Now, imagine carrying just a single gadget (an ipad, a kindle, or a nook, or whatever your choice is) to replace all your hardbound books? Wouldn't it be more comfortable?

Yes, I agree with you Dilek. It's just like when the first cell phone came were so huge with the extending antenna! Think of how the iPad will have improved by that time! It's so much fun, and I have downloaded so many educational apps. However, I think out of all of the apps I have purchased, my favorite, just for me app is A Monster Ate My Homework....I thoroughly enjoy playing it and listening to the monsters growl!


I remember sharing a phone line with other neighbors, they were called party lines!


John J Caprice

What Flash viewers do you all use on your iPads? I've been playing with the Photon Browser, which works okay, but is still generally pretty slow when it comes to interactive sites like Glogster (I'm not sure if there's any way around that with cloud streaming).
Just saw a post that one school is giving every kindergartner an ipad in the hope of raising achievement.  I love what you can do with a computer but I hate to see real books go the way of the Model T.

The iPad is possibly the most versatile communication and assessment tool for the classroom. Many schools are now using them in the classroom to help support those with disabilities (i.e. Autism). This can be used with any grade and there are downloads that are specifically for learning on the iTunes store.

This is an extremely new way of teaching and learning that technology has made possible, serving both AT and IT purposes.

Good luck with the iPad in your class!

You might want to check out and while it is a tool to use at home for homework, it can add great value in the classroom also.
ipad is forbid in my class
Why, Kevin? Can you elaborate on the reasoning?
I love the idea of the iPad in the classroom! I think in the future more and more classrooms will have them.

I agree Cara! I think that they are a great asset to those who have trouble with visual aspects of the classroom environment. IPads are portable and this helps those students who need visual supports (i.e. daily schedules, calendars). They also allow for non-transient messages for students who need directions in a fixed location or who need directions written. It helps the teacher because they save paper with simple downloads of their class notes to the iPad.These devices also provide auditory information for students who thrive off of auditory and visual cues.


I can't believe we are just now using iPads for the benefit of students in the classroom! These tools are great additions to classrooms everywhere and for every age.

Hello all. I will share here what I shared in the other forum on ipads in the classroom. I think iPads and other fast response tablets can be a big asset for education, but most particularly at the grade levels where visual and tactile learning is developed most. At some moments students may become distracted by apps not related to the class, but that will depend how engaging you make the class. One thing we do is use the iPads as shareable whiteboards, we discuss a problem or situation and they go to work in their iPads, in the end they share wirelessly their result with the others. Now, you must have a precision stylus to do so (I introduced to my class the Accu Pen by DAGi and the Jot Pro by Adonit, I also share instructions for them to build their own styli (one challenge is to see who comes with the most precise one at the lowest cost or craftmanship and materials). So, it is a matter or full engagement, appropiate tools and apps, and skills development activities, and iPads or any other tablet could become a good teaching enhancement tool in the class and out of class. For lower grade levels the iPad apps are very good for visual and auditive learning, for upper levels there should be room many room for creativity, so at this point I recommend Windows tablets so they can create things, lots of them and not be limited by small ipad apps. I am still waiting for an Android tablet app capable of helping to develop content that will keep up with upper grade level creativity, because cost is also something to consider: some usable Android tablets are now coming below $200. And on having ipad, tablets or readers replacing books, I still think students should use their tactile learning skill and touch the paper of some precious memorable books, no capacitive screen will replace the feeling of the paper fiber on my kid's fingers, not yet.



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