Hi everyone,

I'm in need of good examples of classroom blogs/wikis/podcasts to show during an upcoming inservice for teachers at my school. Does anyone know of any excellent examples of how classroom 2.0 tools are being used in schools (particularly at the high school level... or at least secondary)?? If so, can you post the link?

I'd like to showcase several good uses of each of these tools so my teachers can see what's out there and how to use these tools. Any subject area, but hopefully at the secondary level. Help?? Comments? Suggestions?

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My blog (http://mrbarlow.wordpress.com/) has been really successful at motivating students to want to learn about science. Another example of my use of a blog is reACTION (http://year9reaction.wordpress.com/) a unit of work based around creating a chemistry video.
Enjoy :)
I am using a wiki, for the first time with my AP calculus students. I am not very experienced with Web2.0 tools so this may not be the excellent example you are looking for! However, it may inspire a beginner, like me, to get their feet wet!
Hi Amy

I teach at the college level but I think you could adapt somethings to any age range. Here are example of some of my work:
www.nle2007.wordpress.com (my blog)
www.frenchlit.wetpaint.com (my wiki)
www.monde-de-magie.ning.com (my NING)

Good luck in your search

I have bee using wikis to run just about everything in my classes. Though it changes in use the more I use it, students love it as the vehicle for learning in the classroom. Last year it was


This year's wiki is:


We are also blogging, but just getting started so nothing up yet.

I also have a wiki that I used for teaching how to use a wiki: http://wikiwikiteaching.wikispaces.com/

Louise Maine
The great thing about wikis is that they can embed so many great Web 2.0 tools. My favorite tool is VoiceThread. See how teachers are using VoiceThread at http://voicethread4education.wikispaces.com . Teachers from all over and of all grade levels have embedded examples from their programs.
I have a nice list in my delicious off my site. http://www.cyndidanerkuhn.info. Just look for the Blogs tag and you will find a LONG list.



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