Real Life and Second Life are Merging!

This is a short video which demonstrates the merging of real life and Second Life in a fun dance party format!

Kevin Honeycutt was the host/DJ in both RL and SL for about 50 people in real life and about 50 people. The party was successful in getting those educators who may be reluctant to try out SL, to try on their wings in a low-stakes and energizing atmosphere! Yippee!

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Comment by Peggy Sheehy on March 3, 2009 at 7:35am
Please join the "Global Lean"

blog at

Give the world a voice in a joyful celebration of diversity!

Thanks! Peggy Sheehy
Comment by Deirdre Bonnycastle on June 17, 2007 at 3:07pm
Check the video about the Second Life dance club called wheelies for people with disabilities.
Comment by kherron on June 5, 2007 at 9:57pm
Really want to learn more about this!!!! We are trying to think of some fund raisers and have come up with having a game night with Dance, Dance Revolution, Guitar Hero, etc... but I wanted to include a dance somehow - I think this might be it!!! Help me learn!!
Comment by Ginger Lewman on June 1, 2007 at 11:42am
I think what made this so terrific was the dance was an opportunity to introduce Second Life (and it's wide-open possibilities) to an audience who may not be as open to these ideas initially. It was so fun to walk around the outside of the real dance floor and see the newbies gettin their groove on online!
Comment by Ginger Lewman on June 1, 2007 at 9:15am
This is a short video which demonstrates the merging of real life and Second Life in a fun dance party format!

Kevin Honeycutt was the host/DJ in both RL and SL for about 50 people in real life and about 50 people. The party was successful in getting those educators who may be reluctant to try out SL, to try on their wings in a low-stakes and energizing atmosphere.

Thanks for a great time, Kevin!


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